At United Way of the Columbia Willamette we focus our work on serving the most marginalized and underserved groups and we know that centering race and ethnicity is critical to ending the historical and social inequities that continue to exist in our region. To learn more about our commitment to racial equity visit our Leading with Equity page.
As part of our continuing work on advancing racial equity, we’ve put together a compilation of local and national resources created by multiple organizations. The content in this section includes a compilation of multimedia resources to explore racism for oneself. No one is born racist or antiracist; these result from the choices and actions we make. Being antiracist results from a conscious decision to make frequent/consistent, equitable choices daily. These resources can assist one in ongoing self-awareness and self-reflection when learning about and addressing racism.
Web resources and training
- 103 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice
- Anti-Racist Allyship Starter Pack
- Anti-Racism Project
- Portland United Against Hate (PUAH)
- Race Talks PDX
- Rachel Ricketts’ anti-racism resources
- Resources for White People to Learn and Talk About Race and Racism
- Save the Tears: White Woman’s Guide by Tatiana Mac
- The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond
- “Why is this happening?” — an introduction to police brutality from 100 Year Hoodie (WayBack Machine archive, original website down)
- Zinn Education Project’s teaching materials
- Recursos antirracistas en español - LULAC (Spanish)
Books and reading materials
- An Anti-Racist Reading List from Ibram X. Kendi - The New York Times
- Healing for the African American Community- Book collection by Multnomah County Library
- My Grandmother's Hands: Racialized Trauma and the Mending of Our Bodies and Hearts - Book recommendation
- Selected antiracist resources - Undoing Racism: The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond
Addressing racial trauma
- Racial Trauma and Self-Care in Tragedy - University of North Texas, Division of Student Affairs
- Racism is Trauma - Children’s Law Center
- Resources for Racial Trauma - University of California, Davis
- Social Justice resources - Glazer Children’s Museum
Miscelanous & cinema
- Breeze Harper - Published books, antiracism coaching, consulting/training
- Michele Goodwin - Award-winning Author, Advocate, Professor
Social Commentator - Obama Foundation - LInks to projects and organizations focused on police violence, racist and suggestions of actions.
- American Black Film Festival
- Justice Film Festival NYC
- Social Justice Film Festival
- Belly of the Beast - Film
- Black Boys - Film
- The Killing of Kenneth Chamberlain - Film
- Song Without A Name - Film
- Unapologetic - Film
Find more tools and materials on our Racial Equity resources page, to increase your own understanding and to help others work toward racial justice.