Folks work in a garden with a sign saying Community Impact Week in frame

Community Impact Week - Register Now!

Thanks to our 2024 Sponsors!

Community Impact Week brings people together to participate in volunteer projects throughout the Portland area that results in thousands of volunteer hours for local non-profits. United Way’s Hands On Greater Portland volunteer program recruits nonprofits for volunteer projects and connects volunteers to them. From planting community gardens to repairing children’s books to organizing clothes closets, there are a wide variety of projects throughout Community Impact Week to get involved. We believe that doing good transforms our community and each of us individually. This belief comes alive when we connect volunteers with meaningful ways to help.

This year's event takes place from October 1st-5th, 2024. Registration for the event is live! Come join us, and hundreds of your neighbors, in creating lasting impact across our region, growing yourself and your community through rewarding volunteer work! If you're interested, learn more about last year's event hereLearn more about partners we support, corporate sponsorships and other facts below: 

Volunteerism Stories


H.O.P.E: Supporting United Way Supports Others

Monday, Jan. 29, 2024

When you support United Way, it multiplies your impact and spreads that support to hundreds of other nonprofits in our community. Your support spreads hope, connection and caring to thousands of people in our region.


Community Impact Week 2023

Wednesday, Dec. 20, 2023

Each October, United Way and our dedicated volunteer branch, Hands On Greater Portland, unite community members across our four-county impact area, infusing energy into a myriad of volunteer events for diverse nonprofit

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